Latest News
A New Milestone for Ammermann
A new milestone for Ammermann! Last month Ammermann have made the move to our new office and warehouse. We are still located in Somersby so we haven't move far. We are looking forward to welcoming our clients to our new office.
Visit us at the Bulk2020 1st – 3rd April 2020
Come visit us at stand 4108 at the upcoming Bulk2020 from 1st to 3rd April in Melbourne. We will be available together with specialist representatives from our overseas partners to discuss any requirements as well as providing expert knowledge on our equipment and...
Save the Date! Christian Pfeiffer Grinding Seminar 7th – 11th September 2020
Save the Date! Christian Pfeiffer's annual technical process training with their engineers provide application oriented knowledge and answer any questions the participants may have. The intensive 4 day seminar is specially designed for: - Plant Managers -...
3000 T Cement Storage Silo, Port Kembla NSW Australia
Another Tank Connection Bolted RTP Silo has been supplied, installed and successfully commissioned in Australia, this time for Morgan Cement International, a subsidiary of the Adelaide Brighton Cement Group. Morgan Cement operates a cement...
New Vertical Pipe Production Plant in Somersby, NSW Australia
Recently the CPI Magazine have published an article detailing the first HawkeyePedershaab Epak sold in Australia to Reinforced Concrete Pipes Australia (RCPA) in 2016. RCPA wanted to base the plant on a packerhead machine for the production...
HawkeyePedershaab Recent Events
The past twelve months has seen some major positive changes for HawkeyePedershaab and we are proud to provide further details as follows: In October 2017, HawkeyePedershaab have joined forces with New Hampton Metal Fab. The two...
6000 T Cement Storage Silo, New Zealand
Early this year a 6000 T Tank Connection Bolted RTP silo was supplied, installed and successfully commissioned at Golden Bay Cement, Portland, New Zealand as part of their ship loading facility upgrade. With a diameter of 16.3 meters and...
Scheuch Sales Partner Seminar – “Personal Beats Digital”
Ammermann Partners have participated in the first Scheuch Sales Partners Get Together in September 2017. The get together had more than 40 people from 30 different countries ranging from Australia and Chile to Canada and South Korea and was...
Christian Pfeiffer Grinding Seminar 11th – 14th September 2017
Whether you are looking to reduce energy cost, increase output or improve quality of existing mills, or selecting a new grinding plant, this seminar will provide you with the practical answers from a company with vast amounts of knowledge and data...
More than 700 optimised grinding systems
As you can see from the April 2017 issue of the Global Cement magazine, KIMA Echtzeitsysteme describe the important advantages of their SmartFill plus MillMaster - Mill Automation and Grinding Optimisation made in Germany. The front cover...