Dry Cast Production Machinery

VIHY® Multicast
In versatile dry cast concrete production situations where flexibility is a must, the Multicast series is an obvious choice. It comprises a comprehensive range of casting stations and vibration systems facilitating the design of machines to comply with almost any production requirement up to 4000mm diameter pipe and 3.6m x 3.6m box culverts.

The VIHY Multicast manufactures virtually any kind of pipe, box culvert or manhole product – a claim unmatched by any other machinery in the marketplace. The machine settings can be easily altered to switch between different dimensions and products without compromising on output or quality.

VIHY® Multicast 120

  • Versatile production of gullies, catch basins and complete manhole systems
  • Maximum round diameter = 1200mm x 1.2m
  • Maximum square product = 1m x 1m
  • VIHY vibrabtion table standard but also available with VIHY core vibrator
  • Ideal for non-standard special products

VIHY® Multicast 150

  • Versatile production systems for pipes, box culverts and entire mahole systems
  • Maximum round diameter = 1500mm
  • Maximum square product = 1.5m x 1.5m
  • Maximum product length = 3m
  • Available with either VIHY core or VIHY table vibration
  • Available with PLC controls or semi automatic machine

VIHY® Multicast 200

  • Versatile production system for pipes, box culverts and entire manhole systems
  • Maximum round diameter = 2000mm
  • Maximum square product = 1.5m x 1.5m
  • Maximum product length = 3m
  • Available with either VIHY core or VIHY table vibration
  • Available with PLC controls or semi automatic


VIHY® Multicast 250

  • Versatile production system for pipes, box culverts and entire manhole systems
  • Maximum round diameter = 2500mm
  • Maximum square product = 2m x 2m
  • Maximum product length = 3m
  • Available with either VIHY core or VIHY table vibration
  • Available with PLC controls as semi automatic machine

VIHY® Multicast XL SC 360

  • Versatile production system for large pipes and manhole systems
  • Round diameter range = 600mm-3600mm
  • Maximum product length = 5m
  • Available with either VIHY core or VIHY table vibration
  • Available with PLC controls or semi automatic machine

VIHY® Multicast XL BC 360

  • Versatile production system ideally suited for large box culverts and pipes.
  • Round diameter range = 600mm-4000mm
  • Maximum box size = 3.6m x 4.2m
  • Maximum product length = 3m
  • Standard with VIHY table vibration but can optionally be equipped with VIHY Core Vibration
  • Available with PLC controls or semi automatic machine

Features & Benefits


VIHY Core Vibration

Use advanced Danish technology to ensure maximum concrete density.
The VIHY core vibrator has been the industry’s leading vibrator for more than 50 years. Its precision build quality and dry sump, oil lubricated design allows for speeds and powers unmatched by competitive vibrators guaranteeing the customer maximum compaction power, reduced cement consumption and maximum concrete densities.


VIHY Table Vibration

Enable the production of a vast array of concrete products through the use of a Vibration Table.
The VIHY vibration table allows for the optimal production of many shapes that are difficult through traditional core vibration including flat products, square products and irregular products.
The VIHY vibration table provides the following definable benefits:

  • Powerful hydraulically driven 100 kNm uni-directional vibrator with variable frequency makes uniform compaction throughout the entire product length – essential for producing high quality productgs.
  • Low noise emission following effective hydraulic locking of mould equipment – reducing noise related safety problems.
  • Elevator for easy adaptation to required product length increasing machine flexibility.
  • Optional hydraulic elevator option for operator comfort in cycle access and easy cleaning
  • Simple core design allowing easy installation and maintenance of features.



Semi-Automatic Operation with laser-level fill control

Reduce labour and increase product consistency and repeatability through the use of automation.
Other than the crane demoulding process the entire production cycle of the Multicast machines can run automatically including a unique laser-level fill control to ensure exact product lengths.


Quick-Mould Change System

Be Flexible. Don’t tie up your money in excess pipe inventory.
Simple, pinned, machine-to-mould connections allow for quick mould changeover eliminating costly downtime and increasing production flexibility to react to short orders.


Optional Header System

Produce pipe with perfectly round, glass like spigots ensuring exact field pipe connections.
Use of stay-in-place headers allows for the production of pipe with more precise male-end spigots with a smoother surface finish.


1 or 2 Station Arrangement

Tailor your Multicast to your specific market needs.
The Multicast machines are available in either a single or double station arrangement with either station able to be specified independently with respect to size and/or vibration system.


Turnover System for Slabs & Bases

A manhole machine’s effectiveness is largely tied into its ability to produce the full range of manhole products.
In-machine turnover system allows for optimal dry-cast production of monolithic manhole bases and slabs.


Optimal for Lined Pipe

Produce all varieties of lined pipe.
No machine in the world is trusted in the production of lined pipe like the Multicast. It is uniquely equipped for the production of all manner of lined pipes, including liners made of steel, HDPE, PVC, GRP and others. There are more than 50 machines regularly producing lined pipe on Multicast machines.


Adjustable Box Culvert Moulds

Produce an entire range of box sizes from a single adjustable box mould set.
Structurally robust and rigid panels allow for production of dimensionally accurate box products with both gasketed and non-gasketed joints.
At its basic element a set of adjustable box moulds consist of four corner pieces of the core, outer mould, header and pallet, forming the smallest product, typically 0.75m x 1m or larger. To adjust the size upward extension panels are placed between the corner pieces to independently increase the rise and the span creating virtually any size of box desired. Along with the ability to increase the rise and span the pallets are designed to also allow for variation in wall thickness.
Adjustable box mould sets are available with either vertical vibration or external mould vibration and can come with an integrated pressing system to eliminate the need for a swing-in press arm or a weighted press.
Along with the mould sets for standard box culverts the possibility also exists to expand the mould sets to produce the following products:

  • U-shapes and matching covers
  • Galleries – boxes with one arched side
  • Twin or double boxes


Automatic Filling of Box Culverts

Eliminate labour and speed up production through the use of an automated laser-controlled filling process.
The Multicast XL BC 360 machine comes standard with a special X-Y controlled concrete feeding belt that allows for the automatic tracking of rectangular and non-round shapes.
The feeding belt uses four lasers to read the concrete level in all four directions for quick and precise filling ensuring an evenly filled box.


Optional Double Set of Outer Moulds for Increased Production

Enable increased production through the purchase of a second outer mould.
A second set of outer moulds can increase production by up to 50% buy eliminating machine downtime that exists during the existing demoulding process.


Optional Cast-in-Place Manhole Steps

Eliminate costly and backbreaking labour required to drive steps into manhole products.
The Cast-In-Place Step (CIPS) program allows for the automatic casting-in of manhole steps including an automated step insertion robot to keep the operator working at a safe distance from the machine.


Optional Lifting Anchor Automation

Save labour costs by automatically casting lifting anchors into products during machine cycle.
One of the most tedious and labour consuming tasks in a manhole or pipe operation is the insertion and driving in of lifting anchors into already cured products. Eliminate this step with an automated lift-anchor insertion system.